
Storage and Shelf Life of Herbs

green herb
What is Nutraceutical?
February 2, 2019
February 4, 2019
Storage and Shelf Life of Herbs

Storage and Shelf Life of Herbs

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Herbs are vulnerable to contamination and deterioration; therefore, to maintain their potency it is necessary to store them in a specific environment under certain conditions. A clean, dry, dark and cool place provides a perfect set-up for the preservation of herbs, as moisture, light, air, and warm temperature affect the active ingredients of the herbs negatively. Any temperature between 8 degrees to 25 degrees Celsius is considered suitable for the storage of herbs. Herbs that are well taken care of and shielded from bacteria and other harmful conditions have a specific shelf life. Roots and barks stay fit for use for about 2 years or more, while leaves and flowers stay functional for about 6 months to 1 year. While supplying we test the herbs for microbiological elements, aflatoxins, ochratoxins, heavy metals, and pesticides as most of our supplied herbs are used as ingredients in nutraceuticals.

Sameet Masand, Swati Madan, S.K. Balian. Modern Concept of Storage and Packaging of raw herbs used in ayurveda. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm.
Herbal Wisdom Institute: Collecting, Drying, and storing Medicinal Herbs
Frugally Sustainable: Creating a Kitchen Pharmacy: Tips for Buying and Storing Medicinal Herbs
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